Event #5 $100,000 No-Limit Hold'em
Jour 3 termin��
Event #5 $100,000 No-Limit Hold'em
Jour 3 termin��
Steffen Sontheimer est un peu plus ag�� que Fedor Holz mais il vient de r��aliser une s��rie digne de son compatriote. L'allemand comptait 3,5 millions de dollars de gains en carri��re avant la semaine du Poker Masters, il a encaiss�� 2,7 millions en cinq tournois high-roller !
La premi��re ��dition du Poker Masters comptait 4 tournois �� 50.000$ et une finale �� 100.000$... The Goose, le surnom de Sontheimer, a r��alis�� 4 tables finales et gagn�� deux fois. La seule fois o�� il n'a pas fait dans l'argent, sur l'Event #3, Steffen a fait la bulle (8e) !
Vainqueur de l'Event #2 pour 900.000$ et de l'Event #5 pour 1.512.000$, Sontheimer a empoch�� 306.000$ pour sa quatri��me place sur l'Event #1 et 117.000$ pour sa 5e place sur l'Event #4. Ces r��sultats lui ont permis de terminer en t��te du g��n��ral et de repartir avec la Veste qui fait office de troph��e.
Face aux meilleurs joueurs du monde, l'Allemand a r��gal��. Il compte d��sormais 31 places pay��es depuis 2015, dont 18 sur des tournois High-Roller. Sontheimer a ��tabli son nouveau record de gains en carri��re, il avait encaiss�� 1,2 million de dollars en mai dernier lors d'un Super High Roller �� 100.000$, ici m��me �� l'ARIA de Las Vegas.
Poker Masters Event #5 100.000$ (36 entrants)
Place | Joueur | Pays | Prix |
1er | Steffen Sontheimer | Germany | $1,512,000 |
2e | Christian Christner | Germany | $864,000 |
3e | Fedor Holz | Germany | $504,000 |
4e | Seth Davies | USA | $324,000 |
5e | Justin Bonomo | USA | $216,000 |
6e | Stefan Schillhabel | Germany | $180,000 |
Disput�� sur trois jours, l'ultime ��v��nement du Poker Masters ne concernait que les six derniers survivants. Il a fallu 5 heures de jeu pour que le vainqueur du WPT Bay 101 Shooting Stars ne rende les armes. Shortstack, Stefan Schillhabel s'incline sur un 60-40 contre Justin Bonomo. L'Allemand a cumul�� 486 000$ de gains lors de la semaine.?
Bonomo l'a ensuite rejoint dans le rail, ��limin�� par le futur runner-up du tournoi, Christian Christner. Il encaisse 216.000$ pour sa 5e place.
Chistner ne va mettre que trois mains de plus pour se positionner et sortir Seth Davies. L'Am��ricain, qui n'a particip�� qu'au tournoi �� 100.000$ de la semaine, s'incline sur un 60-40 et repart avec un ch��que de 324.000$.
Dernier joueur �� pouvoir emp��cher Sontheimer de gagner le classement g��n��ral, Fedor Holz va finalement rendre son tablier sur un lancer de pi��ce. Troisi��me du tournoi de cl?ture pour 504.000$, l'Allemand a pris 1.054.000$ sur la s��rie. Malgr�� quelques rebuys ici et l��, le Wonderkid termine largement dans le vert sur les 5 tournois disput��s �� l'ARIA.
Assur�� de gagner le g��n��ral, Sontheimer a d��but�� le head's up en ��tant derri��re. Le duel contre son compatriote et ami va pourtant tourner �� son avantage : "C'��tait vraiment int��ressant de jouer contre lui car je sais qu'il est plus fort que moi en head's up. Il m'a battu comme u champion", a conc��d�� Christner apr��s sa d��faite.
With Germany's Steffen Sontheimer being crowned the inaugural Poker Masters Purple Jacket winner, here are how the complete standing sit:
Rank | Player | Country | Wins | Cashes | TV Final Tables | Final Tables | Events Played | Winnings |
1 | Steffen Sontheimer | Germany | 2 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 5 | $2,733,000 |
2 | Bryn Kenney | USA | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 5 | $1,085,000 |
3 | Fedor Holz | Germany | 2 | 2 | 2 | 5 | $1,054,000 | |
4 | Christian Christner | Germany | 2 | 2 | 3 | 5 | $1,039,000 | |
5 | Nick Schulman | USA | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 5 | $918,000 |
4 | Brandon Adams | USA | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 4 | $819,000 |
5 | Doug Polk | USA | 2 | 2 | 2 | 5 | $612,000 | |
6 | Erik Seidel | USA | 1 | 1 | 2 | 5 | $576,000 | |
7 | Matt Hyman | USA | 1 | 1 | 1 | 4 | $561,000 | |
8 | Stefan Schillhabel | Germany | 2 | 2 | 2 | 5 | $486,000 | |
9 | Jake Schindler | USA | 2 | 2 | 2 | 5 | $409,500 | |
10 | Justin Bonomo | USA | 2 | 2 | 2 | 5 | $391,500 | |
11 | Seth Davies | USA | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | $324,000 | |
12 | Tom Marchese | USA | 1 | 1 | 1 | 4 | $300,000 | |
13 | Adrian Mateos | Spain | 2 | 2 | 2 | 5 | $277,500 | |
14 | David Peters | USA | 1 | 1 | 1 | 5 | $273,000 | |
15 | Phil Hellmuth | USA | 1 | 1 | 1 | 5 | $200,000 | |
16 | Dan Smith | USA | 1 | 1 | 1 | 5 | $192,000 | |
17 | Dominik Nitsche | Germany | 1 | 1 | 1 | 5 | $178,500 | |
18 | Koray Aldemir | Germany | 1 | 1 | 1 | 5 | $153,000 | |
19 | Cary Katz | USA | 1 | 1 | 1 | 5 | $120,000 | |
20 | Daniel Negreanu | Canada | 1 | 0 | 1 | 5 | $102,000 | |
21 | Dan Shak | USA | 1 | 0 | 1 | 3 | $100,000 | |
22 | Sergio Aido | Spain | 1 | 1 | 1 | 5 | $96,000 |
Hand #167: In what would be the final hand of the tournament, Steffen Sontheimer raised to 115,000 and then snap-called when Christian Christner raised all in for 1.89 million.
Christner was in desperate need of a deuce, but none came on the flop. The
turn left him looking for the miracle two outer on the river, but it was not meant to be as the
bricked instead.
Joueur | Jetons | Progression |
![]() |
1,930,000 |
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Elimin�� |
Hand #163: Steffen Sontheimer raised to 115,000 on the button with and Christian Christner called from the big blind with
. The flop came
and Christner check-called a bet of 100,000 from Sontheimer. The turn was the
and Christner checked again. Sontheimer fired out a bet of 280,000 and Christner laid his hand down.
Hand #164: Christner raised to 120,000 on the button and Sontheimer quickly folded.
Hand #165: Sontheimer looked down at on the button and gave Christner a walk.
Hand #166: Christner raised to 120,000 on the button with and Sontheimer called from the big blind with
. The flop came
and both players checked to the
on the turn. Sontheimer checked again and Christner made a bet of 160,000. Sontheimer called and the
completed the board. Both players checked and Sontheimer won the hand with a pair of nines.
Joueur | Jetons | Progression |
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485,000 |
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-485,000 |
Hand #158: Christian Christner moved all in for 590,000 and Steffen Sontheimer called.
The board ran out to see Christner complete a flush and double to 1,220,000 as Sontheimer drops below 6 million.
Hand #159: Steffen Sontheimer raised to 110,000 from the button holding and Christian Christner called in the big blind with
The flop landed and Christner checked to Sontheimer who bet 75,000. Christner called, and the turn landed the
with Christner checking again. Sontheimer bet out 235,000, and Christner folded.
Hand #160: Christian Christner limped in from the button and Steffen Sontheimer raised his big blind to 150,000.
Christner called, and the flop landed and Sontheimer bet 115,000. Christner raised it up to 350,000, and Sontheimer moved all in. Christner called all in for 530,000 more and the cards were tabled.
The turn landed the , and when the river landed the
, Christner found another double to 2,030,000 as Sontheimer dropped to 5,170,000.
Hand #161: Steffen Sontheimer raised to 110,000 from the button holding and Christian Christner three-bet the big blind to 400,000 holding
Sontheimer called, and the flop landed as Christner continued for 280,000. Sontheimer called, and the turn landed the
and Christner moved all in for 1,310,000. Sontheimer instantly folded, and Christner climbed to 2.7 million.
Hand #162: Christian Christner raised his button to 120,000 holding and Steffen Sontheimer called in the big blind holding
The flop landed and both players checked as the
landed on the turn. Sontheimer bet out 175,000 and Christner called as the
completed the board on the river.
Sontheimer bet out 450,000 and Christner folded.
Joueur | Jetons | Progression |
![]() |
-1,825,000 |
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1,825,000 |
Hand #152: Christian Christner limped in with on the button and Steffen Sontheimer moved all-in with
. Christner folded and the pot went to Sontheimer.
Hand #153: Sontheimer limped on the button with and it was Christner's turn to move all-in with
. Sontheimer folded and the chips went back to Christner.
Hand #154: Christner announced all-in with and was snap-called by Sontheimer with
. The flop came
and Sontheimer was way out front. The turn was the
and Christner spike a pair of kings to take the lead. The river was the
and Christner got a double up.
Hand #155: Sontheimer limped on the button with and Christner checked his option with
. The flop came
and Christner checked to Sontheimer who bet 60,000. Christner check-raised to 190,000 and Sontheimer four-bet to 385,000. Christner gave up and mucked his cards.
Hand #156: Christner limped on the button with and Sontheimer checked from the big blind with
. The flop fell
and Sontheimer checked-called a bet of 65,000 from Christner. The turn was the
and Sontheimer checked again. Christner made an overbet of 350,000 and Sontheimer still called. The
completed the board and Sontheimer used a time extension before checking. Christner triple-barrelled with a bet of 475,000 on the river and Sontheimer called with just king-high.
Hand #157: Sontheimer pushed all-in with and Christner mucked his cards.
Joueur | Jetons | Progression |
![]() |
325,000 |
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-325,000 |
Hand #146: Steffen Sontheimer received a walk in the big blind.
Hand #147: Steffen Sontheimer pushed all in from the button and Christian Christner called all in from the big blind for 345,000.
The board ran out and Christner doubled to 730,000 in chips.
Hand #148: Christian Christner limped the small blind and Steffen Sontheimer shoved all in holding . Christner folded, and dropped down to 690,000 in chips.
Hand #149: Christian Christner received a walk in the big blind.
Hand #150: Christian Christner limped in holding and Steffen Sontheimer checked with
The flop landed and both players checked as the
landed on the turn and Sontheimer checked. Christner bet out 85,000, and Sontheimer called as the river landed the
Sontheimer checked and Christner bet out 455,00 with just jack-high. Sontheimer folded, and Christner motored on up to 875,000.
Hand #151: Steffen Sontheimer limped in with and Christian Christner moved all in for 835,000 holding
and Sontheimer folded.
Joueur | Jetons | Progression |
![]() |
-510,000 |
![]() |
510,000 |
Hand #140: Christian Christner limped with the and Steffen Sontheimer checked his option with the
. Both players checked the
flop, and then did the same on the
turn. When the
completed the board on the river, Sontheimer bet 50,000 and Christner paid it off.
Hand #141: Sontheimer raised to 120,000 with the and Christner just called with the
. The flop came down
, Christner checked and Sontheimer bet 100,000. Christner called and then checked the
turn. Sontheimer checked back and the
gave him two pair on the river. Christner checked, Sontheimer bet 350,000, and Christner once again paid it off.
Hand #142: Sontheimer raised to put his opponent all in, but Christner folded.
Hand #143: Sontheimer limped with the and Christner, who held the
, exercised his option with a raise to what looked like 100,000. The [kh10ac] flopflop saw Christner bet 115,000 and Sontheimer call to see the
turn. Both players checked and the
completed the board on the river. Christner checked and Sontheimer bet 375,000. Christner folded.
Hand #144: Christner limped the button with the and Sontheimer checked his option with the
. The
flop saw Sontheimer check and then just call Christner's bet of 40,000. The
turn left Christner drawing dead, and he checked after Sontheimer did. On the
river, Sontheimer bet 250,000 and Christner gave it up.
Hand #145: Sontheimer limped with and Christner checked with
. Both players checked the
flop and then Sontheimer bet 130,000 after Christner checked the
turn. Christner called and the
completed the board on the river. Christner checked again and Sontheimer bet enough to put his opponent all in. Christner folded.
Joueur | Jetons | Progression |
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1,355,000 |
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-1,355,000 |
Niveau: 22
Blinds: 20,000/40,000
Ante: 40,000