Hand #93: Roberly Felicio moved all in from under the gun for 7,925,000 and the table folded.
Hand #94: Scott Margereson raised to 1,000,000 from the button and Roberly Felicio called from the big blind. They saw a flop of and Roberly check called a bet of 800,000 from Margereson. The turn was the
and Felicio checked.
Margereson bet 1,700,000 and Felicio folded.
Hand #95: Joel Wurtzel raised to 1,300,000 from the button and the blinds folded.
Hand #96: Roberly Felicio moved all in from the button for 6,750,000 and the blinds quickly folded.
Hand #97: It folded to Timothy Miles in the small blind and he laid it down giving Scott Margereson a walk in the big blind.
Hand #98: Margereson completed his small blind and Wurtzel opted to check. The flop came on which both players checked. The turn brought them the
, Margereson bet 500,000 and Wurtzel quickly folded.