Hand #136-139: Wurtzel Doubles Through Margereson

Hand #136: Joel Wurtzel moved all in from the button for 7,850,000 and the blinds folded.
Hand #137: Roberly Felicio moved all in from the button for 6,650,000 and the blinds folded.
Hand #138: Roberly Felicio moved all in for 8,150,000 and the players folded.
Hand #139: Margerson moved all in from the button for 9,650,000. Wurtzel called from the small blind and Felicio thought about it for a bit from the big blind. He eventually folded and the hands were shown.
Joel Wurtzel:
Scott Margereson:
Margerson's rail was screaming for an "ace from space" but the board ran out clean for Wurtzel to earn him the double up.