Hands #147-154: Raina Wins a Few

Hand #147: Gaurav Raina got a walk in the big blind.
Hand #148: Raina limped on the button and James Calvo checked the big blind.
The flop came and Calvo bet 275,000. Raina folded.
Hand #149: Calvo raised to 460,000 from the button. Raina mucked, and Calvo took down the blinds and antes.
Hand #150: Raina tossed out a raise totaling 240,000. Calvo mucked, relinquishing the pot.
Hand #151: Raina got a walk in the big blind.
Hand #152: Calvo enjoyed a walk straight back.
Hand #153: Raina received the third walk in a row.
Hand #154: Raina called from the button. Calvo checked.
The flop came and Calvo bet out 275,000. Raina thought for a moment then bumped it up to 900,000.
Calvo asked for a count but opted to muck shortly after.