Hands #161-166: Large Bet Earns Calvo Some Chips

Hand #161: Gaurav Raina got a walk in the big blind.
Hand #162: Raina raised to 240,000 from the button and was called by James Calvo in the big blind.
The flop came and Calvo checked. Raina threw out a continuation bet worth 250,000 and took down the pot after Calvo mucked his hand.
Hand #163: Calvo raised to 460,000 from the button which was enough to take down the pot.
Hand #164: Raina once again raised to 240,000 from the button. Calvo thought for a minute before sliding out a raise to 935,000. Raina asked for a count, then mucked his hand.
Hand #165: Calvo reached for his chips and placed out 460,000. Raina mucked immediately and Calvo took down another pot.
Hand #166: Raina limped from the button and Calvo agreed to see the flop for cheap. Calvo, however, led out 250,000 on the flop and Raina wasn't willing to pay.