Hands #201-205: Calvo Fatiguing; No Flops Seen

Hand #201: James Calvo was on the button and didn't realise the action was on him.
"Oh, it's on me?" asked Calvo. "See! I don't even know that," he added. "I'm looking at you thinking it's up to you. That how tired I am." Calvo then bet 500,000 and took down the pot after Gaurav Raina mucked his hand.
Hand #202: Raina raised to 320,000 from the button and took down the blinds and antes.
Hand #203: Calvo opened to 500,000 which was too much for Raina as he mucked his hand.
Hand #204: Raina put in his usual 320,000 raise from the button and won himself the pot after Calvo's cards went into the muck.
Hand #205: Calvo thought for a moment, then bet 500,000 from the button. Raina immediately mucked and Calvo took down the pot.