Event #34: $10,000 Limit 2-7 Lowball Triple Draw Championship
Jour 3 termin��
Event #34: $10,000 Limit 2-7 Lowball Triple Draw Championship
Jour 3 termin��
Ben Yu remporte son deuxi��me bracelet WSOP sur le 10,000$ 2-7 Lowball Triple Draw Championship en dominant une grosse table finale et 80 adversaires. Shaun Deeb rate son 3e bracelet WSOP et encaisse 143 842$ pour se consoler.
Place | Nom | Pays | Prix |
1 | Ben Yu | United States | $232,738 |
2 | Shaun Deeb | United States | $143,842 |
3 | Nick Schulman | United States | $98,337 |
4 | Mike Watson | Canada | $68,601 |
5 | Shawn Buchanan | Canada | $48,854 |
6 | Mike Matusow | United States | $35,532 |
La journ��e avait d��but�� avec 6 joueurs et non des moindres. Mike Matusow s'est fait prendre en bluff plusieurs fois et a vite rendu les armes pour sa 3e finale de l'��t��, ��limin�� par Yu pour un gain de 35 532$.
"C'��tait tr��s compliqu��. Parfois les m��dias exag��rent pour vendre une TF et parle d'une table finale tr��s dure mais l�� c'��tait vraiment le cas. Vous avez Shaun Deeb qui joue tr��s loose car il est exceptionnel post-flop, Il y avait Nick Schulman qui est un des boss de la Bobby' Room et qui est gagnant �� tous les jeux. Personne n'est �� des ann��es lumi��res devant moi dans le poker mais Mike Watson est un exemple pour tous", a indiqu�� le gagnant apr��s son triomphe.
"Je savais que la partie serait tr��s dure car je les connais et j'ai jou�� avec eux ces deux derniers jours. Contre ce duo (Deeb et Shulman, ndlr) j'��tais break-even et m��me l��g��rement perdant depuis l'entame du tournoi", a-t-il ajout��. "Ce n'est pas leurs victoires aux World Series qui m'intimidaient mais plut?t de conna?tre leur qualit�� de jeu et de savoir qu'ils sont des joueurs exceptionnels", a conclu Yu qui a aussi du se d��faire de Shawn Buchanan (5e - 48,854$).
Tr��s �� son avantage durant le head's up, Benjamin Yu remporte 232 738$, deux ans apr��s son succ��s sur le WSOP Limit Championship 2015.
Ben Yu dispatched Shaun Deeb in a matter of three hands. On the first, Deeb raised the button, and Yu called. Both players drew three, then Yu bet. Deeb showed three face cards, then folded.
"I didn't start with those," Deeb said.
On the second hand, Yu raised from the button, and Deeb folded.
On the last hand, Deeb raised the button, and Yu called. Yu drew two while Deeb took three. Yu checked, then called a bet from Deeb.
On the second draw, Yu took two while Deeb took one. Yu checked, then Deeb bet. Yu raised, and that put Deeb all in. Both players stood pat on the last draw.
Deeb showed , but it was no good. Yu showed , and that was good enough to seal the victory.
"You run the best," Deeb said, shaking Yu's hand. For his second-place finish, Deeb collected $143,842.
In the meantime, Yu jumped up on the rail and celebrated with his fans, giving hugs, cheers, and cries of "Awooga!" alike.
Joueur | Jetons | Progression |
Ben Yu |
500,000 |
Shaun Deeb | Elimin�� | |
After folding three hands in a row, Shaun Deeb raised, and Ben Yu called.
Yu drew three and Deeb two. Yu bet, and Deeb called.
Both players drew one. Yu bet, and Deeb folded.
Joueur | Jetons | Progression |
Ben Yu |
275,000 |
Shaun Deeb |
-275,000 |
Shaun Deeb raised, and Ben Yu three-bet. Deeb called.
Yu drew one and Deeb two. Yu bet, and Deeb called.
Yu drew one and Deeb two. Yu bet, and Deeb folded.
Joueur | Jetons | Progression |
Ben Yu |
100,000 |
Shaun Deeb |
-150,000 |
Ben Yu raised on the button before getting three-bet by Deeb. Yu called.
Deeb took one, and Yu took two. Deeb then bet, and Yu called.
On the second draw, both players took one. Deeb bet again, but this time, Yu raised.
"Get em!" the rail shouted, seeing Yu's raise. "Yum yum!"
Deeb called.
Both players stood pat on the last draw. Deeb checked over to Yu. Yu bet, and Deeb thought about it for a while before folding his hand.
"Good bluff!" the rail cheered at Yu. "Or not, who cares?"
Joueur | Jetons | Progression |
Ben Yu |
125,000 |
Shaun Deeb |
-75,000 |
Ben Yu raised, and Shaun Deeb three-bet. Yu four-bet, and Deeb called.
Both players drew one and then checked.
Both players drew one again, and Deeb check-called a bet from Yu.
On the third draw, Deeb drew one, and Yu stood pat. Deeb checked and folded when Yu bet.
Joueur | Jetons | Progression |
Ben Yu |
450,000 |
Shaun Deeb |
-450,000 |
Ben Yu raised, and Shaun Deeb called.
Deeb drew two, and Yu drew three. Both players checked.
Deeb drew one, Yu drew two. Deeb check-called a bet from Yu.
Deeb drew one, and Yu stood pat. Deeb check-called a bet from Yu.
Yu showed and took down the pot.
Joueur | Jetons | Progression |
Ben Yu |
225,000 |
Shaun Deeb |
-225,000 |
Ben Yu raised on the button, and Shaun Deeb called. Deeb took two while Yu three on the first draw. Deeb then bet, and Yu called.
Deeb only took one on the second draw, while Yu took two. Deeb bet again, and Yu called.
On the last draw, Deeb stood pat, and Yu drew one. Deeb then checked, and Yu followed suit.
Deeb showed , and that was good enough to earn him the first pot of heads-up play.
Joueur | Jetons | Progression |
Ben Yu |
-250,000 |
Shaun Deeb |
250,000 |
Joueur | Jetons | Progression |
Ben Yu | 2,575,000 | |
Shaun Deeb |
-375,000 |