"DouglasEnt" opened with a raise to 1,030 from the hijack seat and he was called by "kjulius10" from the big blind.
The flop came down and both players checked to see the on the turn. "kjulius10" checked, then called a bet of 1,550 from "DouglasEnt".
On the river, "kjulius10" checked, then called another bet from "DouglasEnt", this time for 3,550. "DouglasEnt" showed but "kjulius10" had turned a straight with and that would earn him the pot and the top spot on the leaderboard for now.
Aaron Massey playing Wsop.com Event 71 and railing Ladies Event 70
"alienprobed" opened with a raise to 880 from the button and he was three-bet by Aaron "Suckmedry" Massey from the small blind to 2,400. "alienprobed" called and the two headed to a flop.
On the board, Massey check-called a bet of 2,780.
The turn was the and Massey checked a second time. "alienprobed" bet 3,775 and Massey opted to put in a check-raise to 8,775. "alienprobed" called.
On the river, Massey shoved all in for 19,946. "alienprobed" used up most of his timebank, then folded, allowing Massey to take down the big pot.
Danny "DannyN13" Noseworthy raised to 575 from the hijack before being three-bet by "BamaJT" on the cutoff to 1,162. From the button, "BeFocus" made it 2,750 and both players called to see a flop of .
Everyone checked over to "BeFocus" who bet 3,000 and only Noseworthy called.
The turn was the and Noseworthy checked again over to "BeFocus" who bet 14,100 which was enough to put Noseworthy all in. He called and the hands were tabled.
The river was the and that gave "BeFocus" the winning hand and allowed him to get the knockout, while Noseworthy reentered the tournament.